By Annette Cinelli Trossello, Project Manager & Copyeditor
When I was pregnant, my family joked that my love of all things
literary, working here at PSG and the fact that my husband is a
chemistry teacher for Boston Public Schools, our son was destined to be a
As Gabriel approaches his first birthday in July, it is clear that we
were right. He loves books and has been turning pages on his own for
months now. He is also constantly performing scientific experiments with
gravity. In planning Gabriel’s first birthday party, I’ve been thinking
about what it means to have a summer baby: barbeque birthday parties,
beautiful birthday weather, and never having to make dozens of cupcakes
to bring into the classroom.
I recently realized it also means that Gabriel could be one of the youngest students in his class; he could turn five the summer before starting kindergarten and—in 2029—graduate high school at 17 years of age. I say “could” and not “will” because of an interesting report I saw on 60 Minutes and read about in the Huffington Post about parents holding their summer babies back so they start kindergarten as one of the older students in the class instead of the younger ones.
I recently realized it also means that Gabriel could be one of the youngest students in his class; he could turn five the summer before starting kindergarten and—in 2029—graduate high school at 17 years of age. I say “could” and not “will” because of an interesting report I saw on 60 Minutes and read about in the Huffington Post about parents holding their summer babies back so they start kindergarten as one of the older students in the class instead of the younger ones.
This practice is called redshirting, also a sports term for delaying an
athlete’s participation in a sport to lengthen how long he or she can
play. The theory behind some parents’ decision to hold their child back
from starting kindergarten is that a child on the older end of the age
range in his or her class will have physical, intellectual, social and
emotional advantages. In the Huffington Post article, an admissions
officer notes that redshirting is worth considering if parents feel it
may result in the child “starting for a sports team as opposed to
sitting on the bench; being one of the first to drive as opposed to one
of the last (huge social advantage); [or] the possibility [he or she]
will be an A and B student as opposed to a B and C student.” Some
parents might also keep their child back if they feel he or she is not
mature enough to handle
There may also be negative effects to redshirting. In the 60 Minutes
report, Samuel Meisels, president of Chicago’s Erikson Institute, noted
that the advantages of holding a child back decrease as he or she gets
older. Children develop at different rates, so younger children who are
not as mature as their fellow students in kindergarten could catch up as
they get older. He also points out that there is a risk of more
disruptive behavior from older students who are bored in classes that
seem too easy.
Although it’s still four years away, I can’t help but wonder what my
husband and I will do when Gabriel turns five. In deciding if he is
ready for kindergarten, we will likely approach it as we have many
parenting decisions so far: by researching online; reading parenting
books; talking with other parents, his daycare provider and his
preschool teacher; and ultimately choosing what we think is best for our
son. In the meantime, we’ll focus on the important things at the
moment: what kind of frosting we’ll choose for our son’s birthday
cupcakes and what we should do with his party guests if it rains during
his birthday barbeque.