Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Fond of Fonts: PSG Favorites

By Amanda Gutierrez
Fall 2016 Intern

Serif, sans, bold, light, italic, black or condensed? With so many fonts out there, how can you choose what to use? Well, personally, I nearly always go for a serif with a bit of class, like Book Antiqua. And sometimes, when I’m feeling a bit more adventurous, I’ll go for something with more attitude, like Mistral. And at the PSG office, I’m not the only one with a favorite font.

While most of the office opts for a serif font, there are a few votes for sans serif. Colleen, for one, enjoys Century Gothic—which just happens to be PSG’s logo font! Alyssa likes Helvetica and Avenir (a serif with a bit of “fun” in the mix). Don likes to pair his sans with his serif—particularly Myriad (sans serif) and Minion (serif), both of which come with “so many flavors” from light italic to black.

On the serif side, we have Kate, a self-described “serif gal,” rooting for Baskerville, Annette for Century Schoolbook, Alyssa for Georgia and Caslon, Tess who (like me) enjoys Book Antiqua, and Eileen for Garamond all the way.

We even have a couple of votes for script fonts like Tess’s super classy Monotype Corsiva and Eileen’s Scriptina Regular, which you can recognize by its eye-catching loops and generally fancy appearance. Sarah is intrigued by Comic Papyrus—a funky blend of the highly debated Papyrus and Comic Sans.

Ken fondly remembers the days when the main “font” options were cursive or printing. Of course, when it comes to handwriting, every font is personalized! Mine, for instance, is a strange cursive-printing hybrid, and Alyssa notes that her brother’s handwriting looks exactly like Copperplate.

There are so many fonts out there that it can be hard to pick a favorite. I say try out as many as you please until you find something that suits you. Whether your favorite font is striking, classic, elegant or funky, it’s your choice, so just have fun with it!

Honorable mentions: Chalet, Jane Austen and the ever fun-lovin’ Curlz MT.

Did You Know?

Times New Roman was initially designed for London’s newspaper the Times in 1932. At first, American publishers were reluctant to use the new font because it required more ink and a higher quality of paper than their current fonts. For more about Times New Roman, see our previous blog post about this tactful typeface.

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