By Marianna Sorensen
Spring 2017 Intern
You know those times when you just
can’t stop laughing? You try to keep it down, but you can’t help it and that
juice you were drinking comes out your nose? Or you keep laughing so long your
abdominal muscles hurt? And what about times when those giggles come from being
tickled? Laughter may seem like a trait unique to humans, but we are not the
only animals that laugh.
Apparently, rats are among those
animals that giggle. Scientists have found this out by tickling them. At Humboldt University of Berlin, scientists discovered more about
this thanks to new research. These scientists wanted to find out how touch
affects social bonds and how mood affects behavior.
They found that rats have to be in the right mood to laugh, just like humans.
When the rats are stressed, they don’t giggle while tickled—but when they’re relaxed,
they do. This is more important than it sounds, as it reveals a deeper
connection between emotion and sensing the physical touch of the tickling. We
sense tickling in the somatosensory cortex of our brain, the area associated
with direct touch. However, when tickling the rats, researchers found that this
part of their brains was less active when the animals were stressed, and
therefore the neurological reaction must be affected by mood.
Further evidence of the connection
between emotion and touch comes from scientists finding that rats liked being tickled
enough to follow the hand that tickled them. The rats giggled when they were
about to be tickled but not yet physically touched, which further supports
their similarities to humans. Tickling studies may seem unscientific, but
they’re important enough to have their own unique vocabulary. For example, gargalesis is a touch that makes you
laugh, and knismesis is a light touch
that does not make you laugh.
And it turns out there is a lot we
don’t know about tickling. We’re not sure why it evolved, what its purpose is
or why certain parts of the body are more ticklish than others. Humans have
been wondering about this connection between mood and how easily we laugh for a
long time. Darwin and Aristotle considered it important enough to write down
questions about it hundreds of years ago.
There are actually several animals that
respond to being tickled, though they have different reactions. There is
anecdotal evidence of platypuses and porcupines giggling, but sharks go
belly-up and become paralyzed. These reactions are related to how social and
playful the animal is, with the more social and playful enjoying it more. One
example is the reaction
of apes. Their laugh sounds a lot like a human’s, and scientists suggest humans
got the ability to laugh from a primate ancestor who lived 10 to 16 million
years ago.
Of all the similarities humans
share with other animals, this is a great one. Picturing a platypus chuckling
certainly gives me the giggles.
Did You Know?
We are 30 times more likely to
laugh at something if we are with other people. This means that laughter is not
just an indicator of when we think a joke is funny, but shows that we
understand how our friends are feeling.
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